Projects and Presentations
Conference Presentations, Talks and Other Projects
Tiocfaidh Ár Mná: Gender and the Irish Language in the Linguistic Landscape of Ireland’s 2018 Abortion Referendum
Presentation given at:
IGALA11, 11th Conference of the International Gender and Language Association (Queen Mary University of London, 22-24 June 2021)
e-SS23, Sociloinguistic Symposium (The University of Hong Kong, 7-10 June 2021)

Tiocfaidh Ár Mná: Gender and the Irish Language in the Linguistic Landscape of Ireland’s 2018 Abortion Referendum
Presentation given at:
IGALA11, 11th Conference of the International Gender and Language Association (Queen Mary University of London, 22-24 June 2021)
e-SS23, Sociloinguistic Symposium (The University of Hong Kong, 7-10 June 2021)

Covid-19 and Public Responsibility: A Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis of Blaming the Public during the UK’s Third Wave
Presented at Linguistic Landscape Workshop, June 2021

Vaccine Nationalism and Public Responsibility: A Discursive Analysis of Taking Credit and Apportioning Blame during the UK’s Third Wave
Presented at Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism Annual Conference (April 2021)

Projects and Presentations
Conference Presentations, Talks and Other Projects
Tiocfaidh Ár Mná: Gender and the Irish Language in the Linguistic Landscape of Ireland’s 2018 Abortion Referendum
Presented at:
IGALA11 (11th Conference of the International Gender and Language Association), Queen Mary University of London, June 2021
e-SS23 (Sociolinguistic Symposium, online), The University of Hong Kong, June 2021
BAAL (British Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Conference), Northumbria University, September 2021